Praying through a Pandemic

During the Easter Season, Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT, reflects on how to pray through the collective trauma of the coronavirus pandemic.

DAY 1 - How to Pray? Just do it!

DAY 2 - Learning to be present to yourself the way God is present to you

DAY 3 - Cleaning Up Your Conscience to Focus Your Prayer

Day 4 - The Power of Prayer

Day 5 - Indispensable Forgiveness, without which, a Heart Cannot Truly Pray

Day 6 - the Battle of Prayer and Overcoming Yourself

Day 7 - ABBA Father! Prayer is a Real Relationship with Each Person of the Most Holy Trinity

Day 8 - Jesus is Truly Present to Where You Are

Day 9 - the Holy Spirit is Soul and Instructor of Prayer

Day 10 - Our Lady, Mother Bear, Protect your Cubs

Day11 - St Joseph, Helps the Church through Crisis

Note: during this talk the electric company actually severed the internet connection and so it appears cut off.

Day 12 - God is Merciful Yet Faithful

Day 13 - Discernment

Day 14 - Vocation

Day 15 - It is so Good to be Alive

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