Eight Day Retreat

This retreat is an abbreviated version of the full 30 day Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. A retreat spent in silence and contemplation encountering Jesus through praying with Scripture. This individually directed retreat, includes Mass each day and a daily meeting with a spiritual director, where you discuss the reflection materials, prayers, and other things each day to help guide you during your retreat. The rest of the day is spent in silence and contemplation with the Lord.

The retreat usually begins with dinner on the evening of the first day and concludes after lunch on the 8th day. Each retreatant will enjoy a comfortable private room with a private bath. All linens and towels will be provided. Three full home-cooked meals are provided each full day of the retreat. 

This retreat can be scheduled at any agreed upon time during the year that works for you and one of our spiritual directors. 

Suggested donation for the retreat is $600

Contact John McFarland, the OLCC Retreat and Evangelization Coordinator,

at 361-289-9095 ext 303 or email retreats@ourladyofcc.org for more information and to get a application

Our Lady of Corpus Christi - 1200 Lantana - Corpus Christi, TX 78407 - (361)289-9095

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