24 hour Retreat
St. Maximillian Kolbe:
Overnight spots for this retreat are currently full, but we still have some room to attend as a Commuter. Please contact us with any questions or to be added to the waitlist for overnight attendance.
We hope that you will still be able to attend as a Commuter! RETREAT - ATTENDED IN TWO WAYS:
1. Overnight: stay the night at OLCC, 3 meals, attend all the talks in person, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, and Mass on Saturday
2. Commute: everything above except spend the night at home. You can partake of all the meals.
A series of 4 talks given by Fr. Jim Kelleher, SOLT
Arrival Time: Friday, SEPT 13th at 5:00pm for check in and a short orientation, followed by dinner at 5:30pm.
Retreat Ends: Saturday, SEPT 14th at 5:00pm
Our Lady of Corpus Christi - 1200 Lantana - Corpus Christi, TX 78407 - (361)289-9095
Host Your Groupevents@ourladyofcc.org
Retreat Questionsretreats@ourladyofcc.org
General Questionsinfo@ourladyofcc.org